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Goat Simulator Free APK - Fulfill Your Dreams of Being a Goat

Goat Simulator: A Hilarious and Crazy Game for Android

Have you ever wondered what it would be like to be a goat? Well, wonder no more, because Goat Simulator is here to make your dreams come true. Goat Simulator is a game that lets you experience the life of a goat in a suburban setting, where you can run, jump, headbutt, lick, and destroy everything in your path. It's a game that doesn't take itself seriously, and neither should you. It's a game that's full of humor, absurdity, and fun.

What is Goat Simulator?

A brief introduction to the game and its premise

Goat Simulator is a third-person perspective action game developed and published by Coffee Stain Studios. It was released for Android and iOS devices in September 2014, after being launched for Windows, Linux, and OS X in April 2014. The game was originally developed as a joke prototype from an internal game jam, but it gained popularity and attention from YouTube videos and social media. The developers decided to release the game as it was, without fixing any bugs or glitches, to maintain the game's entertainment value.

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The main features of the game

You can be a goat

The most obvious feature of Goat Simulator is that you can play as a goat. You can choose from different goat models, such as Tall Goat, Feather Goat, Giant Goat, Space Goat, Devil Goat, and more. Each goat has its own appearance and abilities. You can also customize your goat with various accessories, such as hats, glasses, masks, jetpacks, etc.

You can cause destruction and chaos

The main goal of Goat Simulator is to cause as much destruction as you possibly can as a goat. You can headbutt people, cars, buildings, fences, gas stations, trampolines, fans, cranes, etc. You can also lick objects and drag them around with your tongue. You can use explosives, fireworks, rockets, axes, baseballs, etc. to create more havoc. You can even summon aliens or zombies to join your rampage.

You can discover secrets and surprises

Goat Simulator is not just about breaking things. It's also about exploring the game's world and finding hidden secrets and surprises. There are many Easter eggs, references, jokes, mini-games, achievements, collectibles, and hidden areas to discover. For example, you can find a pentagram in the woods and become a Devil Goat. You can find a beacon in a garage and get abducted by aliens. You can find a throne in a tower and become the King of Goats. You can find a Flappy Bird clone on a TV screen and play it.

You can play with friends in co-op mode

Goat Simulator also supports local co-op mode for up to four players on the same device . You can choose different goats and play together on the same map. You can cooperate or compete with each other, or just mess around. You can also take screenshots and videos of your co-op adventures and share them with your friends.

How to play Goat Simulator?

Tips and tricks for beginners

If you are new to Goat Simulator, you might be wondering how to play the game and what to do. Here are some tips and tricks that can help you get started and have more fun.

Explore the map and find collectibles

Goat Simulator has two main maps: Goatville and Goat City Bay. Each map has its own theme, layout, and attractions. You can explore the map by running, jumping, flying, or using vehicles. You can also find various collectibles, such as golden goat statues, trophies, hats, etc. Collecting them can unlock new goats, achievements, and secrets.

Lick everything you can and drag objects with your tongue

One of the most unique features of Goat Simulator is that you can lick anything you see and drag it around with your tongue. You can lick people, animals, cars, bikes, signs, barrels, etc. You can also use your tongue to swing from objects, such as cranes, helicopters, cables, etc. Licking objects can also trigger some funny events, such as making people follow you, launching rockets, activating machines, etc.

Use special moves and skills to wreck stuff

As a goat, you have some special moves and skills that you can use to cause more destruction and chaos. You can headbutt objects and people with great force. You can ragdoll your body and flop around. You can use your horns to ram things. You can also use your special abilities that vary depending on the goat you choose. For example, you can spit water as a Whale Goat, shoot fireballs as a Dragon Goat, summon goats as a Queen Goat, etc.

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Test the limits of your imagination and creativity

Goat Simulator is a game that gives you a lot of freedom and possibilities to do whatever you want as a goat. You can test the limits of your imagination and creativity by combining different objects, actions, and scenarios. For example, you can attach a jetpack to your goat and fly around the map. You can put a mattress on a car and jump on it. You can stack goats on top of each other and form a tower. You can create your own stunts and challenges.

Have fun with the bugs and glitches

Goat Simulator is a game that is intentionally buggy and glitchy. The developers did not fix any of the bugs or glitches in the game because they thought they added to the game's charm and humor. You can have fun with the bugs and glitches by exploiting them or laughing at them. For example, you can see people's limbs stretch or twist in weird ways. You can see objects fly or bounce randomly. You can see goats get stuck in walls or floors.

Why should you play Goat Simulator?

The pros and cons of the game

Pros: Funny, entertaining, original, addictive, cheap

Goat Simulator is a game that has many pros that make it worth playing. It is a game that is funny and entertaining because of its absurd premise, hilarious situations, witty references, and silly humor. It is a game that is original and unique because of its concept, gameplay, style, and tone. It is a game that is addictive and replayable because of its sandbox nature, variety of content, co-op mode, and achievements. It is also a game that is cheap and affordable because it costs only $4.99 on Google Play Store.

Cons: Buggy, simple, repetitive, silly, not for everyone

Goat Simulator is also a game that has some cons that might make it not appealing for some players. It is a game that is buggy and glitchy because of its intentional lack of polish and quality control. It is a game that is simple and shallow because of its limited scope and mechanics, and its lack of objectives and challenges. It is a game that is repetitive and boring because of its limited content and variety, and its lack of progression and rewards. It is also a game that is silly and nonsensical because of its absurd premise, unrealistic physics, and ridiculous humor. It is not a game for everyone because some people might find it too childish, immature, or offensive.

The reviews and ratings of the game

What critics and players say about the game

Goat Simulator has received mixed reviews from critics and players. On Google Play Store, it has a rating of 4.2 out of 5 stars, based on over 100,000 reviews. Some of the positive reviews praise the game for its fun, humor, originality, and creativity. Some of the negative reviews criticize the game for its bugs, glitches, simplicity, and repetitiveness.

On Metacritic, a website that aggregates reviews from various sources, the game has a score of 62 out of 100 for the Android version, based on 5 critic reviews. Some of the positive reviews commend the game for its entertainment value, charm, and satire. Some of the negative reviews condemn the game for its poor quality, lack of depth, and stupidity.

How the game compares to other similar games

Goat Simulator is a game that belongs to the genre of sandbox games, which are games that allow the player to explore and interact with an open-ended world. Some of the other popular sandbox games are Minecraft, Grand Theft Auto, The Sims, etc. Goat Simulator differs from these games in several ways. For example:


MinecraftMinecraft is a game that focuses on building and crafting with blocks, while Goat Simulator is a game that focuses on destroying and wrecking with goats.

Grand Theft AutoGrand Theft Auto is a game that depicts realistic crime and violence in a modern urban setting, while Goat Simulator is a game that depicts unrealistic comedy and chaos in a suburban setting.

The SimsThe Sims is a game that simulates the life of humans in a social and domestic context, while Goat Simulator is a game that simulates the life of goats in a nonsensical and absurd context.

Where to download and buy the game

If you are interested in playing Goat Simulator, you can download and buy the game from Google Play Store for your Android device. The game costs $4.99 and requires Android 4.0.3 or higher. The game also has some optional in-app purchases that can enhance your gameplay experience. For example, you can buy GoatZ for $4.99, which adds zombies and survival elements to the game. You can also buy Goat MMO Simulator for $4.99, which adds online multiplayer and fantasy elements to the game.


A summary of the main points of the article

In conclusion, Goat Simulator is a hilarious and crazy game for Android that lets you play as a goat and cause destruction and chaos in a suburban setting. It is a game that has many features, such as different goat models, co-op mode, secrets, surprises, etc. It is also a game that has many tips and tricks, such as exploring the map, licking objects, using special moves, etc. It is a game that has some pros and cons, such as being funny, entertaining, original, addictive, cheap, but also being buggy, simple, repetitive, silly, and not for everyone. It is a game that has mixed reviews from critics and players, and it compares differently to other sandbox games. It is a game that you can download and buy from Google Play Store for your Android device.

A recommendation for the readers to try the game or not

If you are looking for a fun, humorous, original, and addictive game that doesn't take itself seriously, and you don't mind some bugs, glitches, simplicity, and repetitiveness, then you should definitely try Goat Simulator. It is a game that will make you laugh, smile, and enjoy yourself. However, if you are looking for a serious, realistic, deep, and challenging game that has high quality, complexity, and variety, then you might want to skip Goat Simulator. It is a game that will make you frustrated, bored, and annoyed. Ultimately, the choice is yours. You can watch some videos or read some reviews to get a better idea of what the game is like before you decide to buy the game. Or, you can just download the game and give it a try for yourself. You might be surprised by how much fun you can have as a goat.


Here are some frequently asked questions about Goat Simulator and their answers:

  • Q: Is Goat Simulator a real simulator?

  • A: No, Goat Simulator is not a real simulator. It is a parody of simulation games that exaggerates and mocks the genre. It does not aim to simulate the realistic behavior or physics of goats or anything else.

  • Q: Is Goat Simulator suitable for children?

  • A: Goat Simulator is rated T for Teen by the ESRB, which means it may contain violence, blood, crude humor, and suggestive themes. It is not suitable for children under 13 years old. Parents should exercise discretion and supervision when letting their children play the game.

  • Q: How long is Goat Simulator?

  • A: Goat Simulator does not have a fixed length or an end. It is a sandbox game that lets you play as long as you want and do whatever you want. However, if you want to complete all the achievements and collectibles, it may take you several hours or days, depending on your skill and luck.

  • Q: Does Goat Simulator have online multiplayer?

  • A: Goat Simulator does not have online multiplayer, but it has local co-op mode for up to four players on the same device. You can also buy Goat MMO Simulator as an in-app purchase, which adds online multiplayer and fantasy elements to the game.

  • Q: Will Goat Simulator have more updates or DLCs?

  • A: Goat Simulator has received several updates and DLCs since its release, such as GoatZ, Goat MMO Simulator, Waste of Space, Payday, etc. The developers have not announced any plans for future updates or DLCs, but they might surprise us with more content in the future.


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